AI Management &
Head of AI

Driving AI-Powered Business Transformation and Strategic Innovation

Transform your organisation today. Embrace state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology & innovation, guided by top-tier expertise on a flexible, temporary basis.


Service benefits


Start your organisation's
transformation today

Begin your business's AI transformation journey today with strategic AI integration and expert leadership.


Strategic &
operational excellence

Achieve operational excellence and strategic growth by enhancing AI efficiency and developing streamlined proof-of-concepts.


New talent on &

Receive support in recruiting a highly skilled Head of AI to permanently drive your company's AI strategy forward.

What can you expect
in the program

Month 1 - Onboarding
& Foundations:

• Business Assessment: Initiate engagement with strategic
of internal processes.
• AI Roadmap:

• Job Description :
Executive-level assistance in drafting the
job description for the Head of AI.

Month 2 - Prototyping
& Recruitment:

AI MVP creation: Targeting a 60-70% initial efficacy.
• Recruiting Support:
Executive-level support in the interview process for the Head of AI.

Month 3 - Integration,
Evaluation, & Onboarding:

• MVP Integration:  Merge the MVP into company workflows, adjusting based on feedback.
New Head of AI Onboarding: Executive-level guidance in onboarding the selected Head of AI, providing a detailed handover of progress.

Program details

Start your business's AI transformation today with our 12-week program,
providing an Interim Head of AI. Gain comprehensive insights into AI integration,
develop executive leadership skills, and uncover key talent.



12 weeks


Remote, Hybrid or On-site

Time & Availability

Approximately 10 hours per week

Meet the Expert

Luciano Radicce profile picture in Black & White

Luciano Radicce

Co-Founder & AI Product Strategy Consultant

+11 years partnering with startups, entrepreneurs and VCs across Europe and Asia. Combining a strong entrepreneurial background with expertise in engineering, product , strategy , marketing, and Artificial Intelligence.

Medium logo blackStandford logo blackUniversity of Virginia logo blackHarvard logo blackProduct School logo black

Be Lazy. Call us to book the program

Free 15-min call to any ask questions or to book your "Discover Artificial Intelligence for Business Leaders" workshop

Program takeaways

Strategic Visionary Leadership
Develop an executive-level strategic mindset for effective AI integration and leadership.

Proof-of-Concept Mastery
Acquire the skills to develop executive-level proof-of-concepts for enhanced operational efficiency.

Executive-Level Talent Recruitment Expertise
Gain insights into the executive-level recruitment process for the permanent Head of AI position.

Who is this program for?


Begin your business's AI transformation journey today with strategic AI integration and expert leadership.


Achieve operational excellence and strategic growth by enhancing AI efficiency and developing streamlined proof-of-concepts.

Large Enterprises

Receive support in recruiting a highly skilled Head of AI to permanently drive your company's AI strategy forward.

Your AI Journey

Step 3: Action
Step 2: Known
Step 1: Unkown

Within this workshop, you'll effectively move from Step 1 (the unknown), into Step 2 (the known),
setting you at the doorstep of Step 3 (action)
. Furnished with a precise AI Implementation Roadmap,
you're prepared to take action. Certainly, Lazy Consulting is prepared to assist you implementation step.

Have questions?

What level of AI expertise does our company need to benefit from this program?

No prior knowledge of AI is required. Our program is designed to guide you through AI fundamentals and integrate this technology into your business, regardless of your current level of expertise.

What will our company achieve by the end of the Interim Head of AI program?

By the conclusion of the Interim Head of AI program, your company will not only understand AI's potential but will have actual AI use cases implemented, tailored to your business needs. Furthermore, guidance will be provided in hiring a permanent Head of AI to ensure the continuation and growth of your AI strategy.

How will the strategies you implement as an Interim Head of AI affect our current business strategy?

Our role will involve aligning AI initiatives with your current business strategy to drive innovation and competitive advantage. You'll see a transformation in your operational processes and strategic decision-making, influenced by data-driven insights and AI efficiencies.

Where is the Interim Head of AI program conducted?

We offer flexible engagement models, able to work on-site within your company if located in or near Munich, or remotely as required. For on-site commitments beyond Munich, additional travel costs will be transparently discussed and agreed upon.

What investment is required for hiring you as an Interim Head of AI?

The investment depends on the scope of AI integration, and the specific objectives you aim to achieve. We encourage a direct conversation to provide a detailed and customized quote that aligns with your company's goals and budget.

Be Lazy. Call us to
book the program

Free 15-min assessment call to ask any questions or to book our Interim Head of AI program today